Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

DxO Optics Pro 9.1 Portable

Came a new version of a sufficiently powerful program that can not only improve but also help to correct digital photos on your hard drive. If you believe the authors of the program, their development has a large number of advanced technologies, you can adjust the maximum quality settings for brightness and contrast can change the color balance, if there is distortion, and they can be removed to improve the clarity of pictures, download DxO Optics direct link - fast and free you can from our site in full news.

Of course at this opportunity does not end, you can also correct color photos and exposure on the edges and corners of your images, you can quite easily lead white balance adjustment, due account being taken color temperature. Primarily DxO Optics has been designed for processing of digital negatives. Initially, the product was designed for little other purpose, with the time it has increased to a large number of additional tools. Adds support RAW modern cameras, and therefore appeared and basic tools systematization of the material. As a result, before you a powerful program that can work professionally with your photos, I think if you decide to download and check, make it yourself.

DxO Optics when you first start to offer you several options for work. There is a fully automatic, you can run the wizard and configure all the simple methods are not particularly going into details of the settings, and if you consider yourself an expert, you have to go a third option in which you can configure all parameters themselves. Do not think that to understand DxO Optics simple, in fact it is not so, and not every user will be able to understand, so it is recommended to read the professional literature.

So, with this program you will be able to optically adjust your photos, you can quickly and efficiently carry out the conversion of RAW files to other formats, you can optimize the type of photography you can work with the distortions and distortsiey that may be caused by the optics. DxO Optics is able to delete pictures from dust and other noises, you will be able to interact with Photoshop and Lightroom, you can correct the optical defects. In general, write about this program can be quite a lot, so I tried to concisely describe all possible pros DxO Optics, of course, there are other, and someone may know cons, if any, if you are an experienced user and can adequately assess the work of this tool and alternative, do not forget to speak in the comments, it is always interesting to read them.

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    Dxo Optics Pro 9.1 Portable
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